
Mighty Party: Clash of Heroes
Mighty Party: Clash of Heroes

Mighty Party: Clash of Heroes

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Mighty Party is a turn-based strategy RPG that is an excellent example of combining action, strategy, battle rpg and turn-based roleplaying games. We took the best from different genres to create an amazing experience for you in the world of Massively Online Role-Playing Games. Challenge mobile gamers from all over the world, crush your enemies in battle arenas and rise to the top! We will change the way you think about Battle chess RPG games! Various battlefields with random obstacles and different heroes with unique bonuses to hone your strategy skills. Explore the map, defeat powerful bosses and mighty magical creatures, build your storyline, accept quests and embark on a journey! Assemble your forces and lead your Mighty Party to Victory! Collect and evolve hundreds of heroes and monsters with unique abilities and epic combinations of magic and fighting skills. Upgrade their equipment and skills, marvel at their new costumes and abilities, strengthen your team! Warriors, Knights, Undead, Mages, Elves, Dragons, Orcs - there are hundreds of magical creatures and countless characters to choose from! Plan your own offensive and defensive turn-based strategy with thousands of card combinations, because powerful heroes alone can only get you so far. Use your wits, come up with tactics and strategy, use brute force, and slay your enemies! Join other players in guilds and clans to crush opponents and bosses for the most valuable loot and claim the battle chess RPG victor's crown! Evolve your warlord for a better appearance and abilities, and combine them with your battle chess deck of heroes and monsters. Download the game for free to experience epic turn-based strategy turn-based Idle RPG battle chess and embark on an exciting adventure in this battle chess turn-based strategy! Some Features: ● Challenge other players all over the world in battle chess! ● Join other players in guilds and clans to conquer all! ● Level up your hero! ● Come up with your perfect strategy! ● Gorgeous graphics and a wide range of locations! ● PVP battles in real time! ● You can try to be afk at any given moment - no problem! You can even try to be an AFK Hero in battle arenas! But will you be a successful afk player? We don’t know. More Features: ● Turn-based & fast-paced innovative battle system. Real strategy and tactics! ● Dozens of war heroes for infinite battle combinations. ● Epic Warlords with unique battle skills. ● Captivating PVP (Ranked Battles, Brawl, Arena matches, Tournaments, Survival, Raids, Events etc.) with great rewards! ● Single player campaign with an epic story across the realm. A true hero’s Journey! ● Turf Wars is a game mode where your guild alliance fights using their troops against opponents to gain the most valuable territories. Prepare the Guild for glory! ● Lots of ways to evolve mighty heroes: level themup, bind them with others, turn them into Legendary heroes, or upgrade Turf Wars skills! Receive Magical and Legendary Chests. Recruit and Evolve new battle Heroes. Gather your Mighty Party. Clash with other players in PVP battles. Join the strongest Guild Alliance or Clan. Become everyone's strongest opponent! Note: Mighty Party is free to download and play, however, some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you do not want to use this feature, please set up password protection for purchases in your Google Play Store app settings. A network connection is required. Support: Are you having problems? Please contact us via e-mail: mightyparty.panoramik@gmail.com or in-game by going to Settings > Support. Visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mightyparty.game Join our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/yzYQa7 Mighty Party是基于回合制的策略RPG,是将动作,策略,战斗角色扮演和基于回合的角色扮演游戏相结合的绝佳示例。我们从不同类型的游戏中汲取精华,在大规模在线角色扮演游戏的世界中为您创造了惊人的体验。挑战来自世界各地的手机游戏玩家,在战场上粉碎敌人,并登顶!我们将改变您对战棋RPG游戏的看法! 具有随机障碍的各种战场和具有独特奖励的不同英雄 磨练您的策略技巧。探索地图,击败强大的首领和强大的魔法生物,建立故事情节,接受任务并踏上旅途! 聚集你的力量,带领你的强大党取得胜利! 收集和发展数百种具有独特能力以及魔术和格斗技巧的史诗组合的英雄和怪物。升级他们的设备和技能,惊叹于他们的新装束和能力,增强您的团队!战士,骑士,亡灵,法师,精灵,龙,兽人-有数百种魔法生物和无数角色可供选择! 利用数千种卡牌组合来计划自己的基于进攻和防御的回合策略,因为仅强大的英雄就只能带您远眺。用你的智慧,想出战术和策略,用蛮力,杀死你的敌人! 加入公会和氏族中的其他玩家,粉碎对手和老板以获得最有价值的战利品,并赢得战斗象棋RPG胜利者的桂冠! 进化以获得更好的外观和能力,并将其与英雄和怪兽的战斗棋盘相结合。 免费下载游戏,体验基于史诗回合策略的基于回合的Idle RPG战斗棋,并在此基于战斗棋的回合策略中进行精彩的冒险! 一些功能: ●挑战国际象棋世界各地的其他玩家! ●与其他玩家一起加入公会和氏族,征服所有人! ●升级英雄! ●提出您的完美策略! ●精美的图形和广泛的位置! ●PVP实时战斗! ●您可以在任何时候尝试afk-没问题!您甚至可以尝试在战场上成为AFK英雄!但是您会成为一名成功的afk玩家吗?我们不知道 更多功能: ●回合制和快节奏的创新战斗系统。真正的策略和战术! ●数十种英雄可进行无限战斗。 ●具有独特战斗技能的史诗。 ●奖励丰厚的PVP(排名战,斗殴,竞技场比赛,锦标赛,生存,突袭,事件等)! ●具有跨领域史诗般故事的单人战役。真正的英雄之旅! ●草地大战(Turf Wars)是一种游戏模式,您的公会联盟使用他们的部队与对手进行战斗以获得最有价值的领土。准备公会的荣耀! ●有多种培养强大英雄的方法:将它们升级,与其他人绑定,将它们转变成传奇英雄或升级草皮技能! 获得魔法和传奇宝箱。招募和发展新的战斗英雄。聚集你的强大党。在PVP战斗中与其他玩家发生冲突。加入最强大的公会联盟或氏族。成为每个人的最强对手! 注意: Mighty Party是免费下载和播放的,但是,某些游戏项目也可以用真钱购买。如果您不想使用此功能,请在Google Play商店应用设置中为购买设置密码保护。 需要网络连接。 支持: 你有问题吗?请通过电子邮件联系我们:mightyparty.panoramik@gmail.com或在游戏中转到设置>支持。 访问我们的Facebook页面:https://www.facebook.com/mightyparty.game 加入我们的Discord服务器:https://discord.gg/yzYQa7
Mighty Party: Clash of Heroes安卓手游详细信息
Mighty Party:Clash of Heroes