



SetCheatPlayerTrue Enables Cheat Menu 开启作弊选单;

SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu关闭作弊选单;

God Unkillable, except you can drown. 无敌;

Fly Able to Fly 飞行模式;

Walk Deactivates Flying 取消飞行模式;

Teleport Teleports you in the direction you arefacing.传送至你当前看的点;

Slomo <#> Changes server speed. Values are 1-5. 1 = Normal Speed 设定时间速度 <1-5> ,1=正常速度;

PlayersOnly Freezes all Dinos at their current position. Alsofreezes crafting. 冻结所有恐龙行动,制作中的工作也会受影响;

Ghost Noclip, walk through walls/objects. 穿墙模式;

ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino. Can ride withoutsaddle. 强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令);

AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself1000 XP 给自己经验值 1000(可改其它值);

-AddExperience (value for first number) (toggleoption in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in total thereshould be 4 separate numbers.

GiveResources Gives you 50of all resources 给各种资源物件50份;

InfiniteStats InfiniteHunger, Stamina, Ammo, etc.. 状态/子弹不减 (饥饿、耐力、免装弹....等);

DamageTarget Damages acreature you are looking at for a set amount伤害当前所看的目标;

DestroyAllEnemies Destroysall enemies. They respawn after a while. 杀死所有的恐龙,过一会会重生出来;

GiveEngrams unlocks allcrafting recipes for your character -* Bugged - You can't craft theserecipes 开启所有蓝图 (目前此功能有问题);

HurtMe Deals damage to yourself 伤害自己(自杀)例 hurtme 1000;

ToggleGun Toggles visibility of current equipped item 当前装备物品隐形 开/关;

SetTimeOfDay Changes timeof day设定时间 (后面要加时间 如 settimeofday 04:00);

SetPlayerPos 0 0 0 Allows you toteleport to coordinates. 传送到座标( 如 setplayerpos 12,12,132);

SaveWorld Saves current worldstate 手动储存;

Quit Exits the current world. Use after saving for asafe shutdown. 离开游戏;

ExecSetSleeping True/False Puts character to sleep/wakes them up 设定玩家为睡眠(true)/醒来(false);

EnemyInvisible True/False Makes allcreatures ignore you even if you attack them 玩家隐身,恐龙就算被打也看不到;

DestroyAll Destroys all Objects/Dinos of a classname 删除所有物件及恐龙;

Summon Summons a dino at your location. 召唤一只恐龙到当前位置;

Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency, usable byanyone. 显示帧数;



GiveItemNum Gives you anitem.

给指定的物品请参照下面的物品ID :

>>例1:giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给储存箱 1个(第一个数字是物品IP,第二个是个数,最后是物品品质)

1 Simple Pistol简易手枪;

2 Assault Rifle 突击步枪;

3 Rocket Launcher火箭发射器;

4 Simple Bullet简单子弹;

5 Bow弓;

6 Genade手榴弹;

7 Wood木材;

8 Stone石头;

9 Metal金属;

10 Hide兽皮;

11 Chitin甲壳;

12 Raw Meat生肉;

13 Spoiled Meat变质肉;

14 Cooked Meat熟肉;

15 Water Jar水瓶;

16 Water Jar (Full) 水瓶(满);

17 Cloth Pants布裤;

18 Cloth Shirt布衬衫;

19 Cloth Hat布帽;

20 Cloth Boots布靴;

21 Cloth Gloves布手套;

22 Hide pants皮裤;

23 Hide Shirt皮衬衫;

24 Hide Hat皮帽;

25 Hide Boots皮靴;

26 Hide Gloves皮手套;

27 Chitin Leggings甲壳护腿;

28 Chitin Chestpiece甲壳胸甲;

29 Chitin Helmet甲壳头盔;

30 Chitin Boots甲壳靴;

31 Chitin Gauntlets甲壳护手;

32 Stone Arrow石箭;

33 Stone Pick石镐;

34 Stone Hatchet石斧;

35 Metal Pick铁镐;

36 Metal Hatchet铁斧;

37 Torch火把;

38 Paintbrush漆刷;

39 Campfire篝火;

40 Standing Torch立式火把;

41 Hide Sleeping Bag睡袋;

42 Remote Detonator遥控雷管;

43 C4 ChargeC4控制器;

44 Blood Extraction Syringe采血器;

45 Blood Pack血包;

46 Improvised Explosive Device简易爆炸装置;

47 Waterskin水袋;

48 Waterskin(Full) 水袋(满);

49 Berrybush Seeds浆果种子;

50 Fertilizer肥料;

51 Bingleberry Soup;

52 Medical Brew医疗补酒;

53 Energy Brew能量补酒;

54 Dinosaur Feces恐龙粪便;

55 Human Feces人类粪便;

56 Stegosaurus Egg剑龙蛋;

57 Spear长矛;

58 Red Coloring红色染料;

59 Green Coloring绿色染料;

60 Blue Coloring蓝色染料;

61 Yellow Coloring黄色染料;

62 Purple Coloring紫色染料;

63 Orange Coloring橙色染料;

64 Black Coloring黑色染料;

65 White Coloring白色染料;

66 Brown Coloring褐色染料;

67 Cyan Coloring青色染料;

68 Purple Coloring紫色染料;

69 Rex Saddle暴龙鞍;

70 Tranq Arrow麻醉箭;

71 Pistol Hat Skin;

72 GPS全球定位系统;

73 Flint燧石;

74 Metal Ingot金属锭;

75 Thatch茅草;

76 Fiber纤维;

77 Charcoal木炭;

78 Crystal水晶;

79 Thatch Roof茅草屋顶;

80 Thatch Door茅草屋的门;

81 Thatch Foundation茅草地基;

82 Thatch Wall茅草墙;

83 Thatch Doorframe茅草屋的门框;

84 Wooden Catwalk木制小道;

85 Wooden Ceiling木制天花板;

86 Wooden Hatchframe木制天窗门框;

87 Wooden Door木门;

88 Wooden Foundation木地基;



简易手枪【Simple Pistol】;

突击步枪【Assault Rifle 】;

火箭发射器【Rocket Launcher】;

简单子弹【Simple Bullet】;

弓【 Bow】;


石箭【Stone Arrow】;


麻醉箭【Tranq Arrow】;

军事巴雷特麻醉狙击枪+武器附件【Military Barrett Sniper + Tranq Darts】;

激光加特林炮塔【Laser Turret】;

未来科技建筑和物品【Ark Futurism】;

红外线加特林【Laser Turret】;

激光炮塔和激光枪【Joan\'s Photon Sentry N Tranq Rifle v2】;

毒矛【Poisoned Weapons】;

改进的武器和工具【Progressive Weapons & Tools】;

燃烧剑&闪电剑【Flaming Sword】;

Seven\'s麻醉套件【Seven\'s Tranq Kit】;

麻醉枪【DPs Tranquilizer Sniper Rifle】;

麻醉长矛【Narcotic Pike】;

高级望远镜【Advanced Spyglass】;

可重复使用的抓钩【Reusable Grappling Hook】;

更多武器加麻醉步枪【Multi weapon attachments + tranq rifle】;

夜视瞄准镜【Night Vision】;


发布时间: 2024-08-06
发布时间: 2024-07-25
发布时间: 2024-07-25
发布时间: 2024-07-25
发布时间: 2024-07-25
发布时间: 2024-07-25